News March 2024
Challenging Lidar Projects
Challenging Lidar Projects
AAT Academy partners Asian Aerospace Services to purchase new planes
Diamond Aircraft delivers three DA42 MPP to the Royal Thai Air Force
Asian Aerospace Services together with Diamond Aircraft Industries of Austria delivered three DA42 MPP to Royal Thai Air Force
SABAH AIR from Malaysia visits AAS Hangar
AAS at Defence & Security 2022
Factory Acceptance Test RTAF Special Mission Aircraft
AAS Authorised Partner Honeywell Defence and Aviation
Diamond Aircraft Maintenance DA50RG & DA42VI
Pilot training for Royal Thai Airforce
Successful delivery of 4 new DA42VI training aircraft to Royal Thai Airforce
DA50RG scheduled inspection by AAS in Bangkok
First Honda Jet of a Thai owner has arrived in AAS Hangar
Successful delivery of 4 new DA42VI training aircraft for Royal Thai Airforce
Successful assembly and handover of a DA40NG flight simulator as well as eight DA40NG training aircraft
Successful ferry and handover of three DA42MPP Aircraft for Royal Thai Air Force
Successful Factory Acceptance Tests of eight DA40NG Aircraft for Royal Thai Air Force
Asian Aerospace Services is congratulating ATAS & AATA in Malaysia
AAS latest Sales and Activities
AAS latest Sales and Activities
AAS handed over four DA42VI to Royal Thai Airforce
Experiment with some Aerial LiDAR point cloud samples
AAS Website with a new and fresh look
AAS latest Sales and Activities during the last 9 months.
23rd Floor, Chamnan Phenjati
Business Center Building
65/198 Rama 9 Road, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310, Thailand
+66 2 6430741-43
+66 2 6430740 (Fax Thailand)
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